Film maker, musician, tinkerer. Living in Philly.
Fix Nikon FG Blinking Light Meter
10K Views, 2 Favorites
Awesome Glowing Macbook Decal!
14K Views, 49 Favorites
Cool Exposed Retro Flip Clock
124K Views, 452 Favorites
Easier Screen Printing
321K Views, 253 Favorites
Popup Facebook Picture
441K Views, 274 Favorites
Ninja Star Thumb Tacks
11K Views, 27 Favorites
Removable Guitar Killswitch
61K Views, 69 Favorites
Making a Stunt Dummy Head Out of Cardboard, Duct Tape, and Newspaper (Part One)
55K Views, 77 Favorites
24K Views, 50 Favorites
How to Whistle for Those Who CAN NOT Whistle
838K Views, 58 Favorites
Making a Stunt Dummy Out of Cardboard, Duct Tape, and Newspaper
15K Views, 28 Favorites